New Flywheel feature: Globalization

New Flywheel feature: Globalization

Morgan Smith's Layout avatar

Server location is important. And typically, you want your server to be as close to your users as possible. That’s why Flywheel is launching a brand new feature today that will help make that easier: Globalization.

Starting today, you get to choose where in the world you’d like Flywheel to host your sites! And there are options from Europe to Asia to North America. Plus, we made SFTP even smarter. Now whenever you log in to SFTP, you’ll automatically connect to the server that’s closest to your data center. And to top it all off, we offer a content delivery network with more than 30 nodes across the world.

Basically, we want to give you and your users the best speeds possible.

Ready to go global? Learn more here or just head to your Flywheel dashboard to get started.