
Easily transfer billing to clients

No sharing accounts, no clunky checkout process

Transfer billing screenshot
Transfer billing screenshot

Introduce your clients to a better experience

Send your client an invitation to a secure payment form where they can pay quickly and easily. It’ll be the smoothest transfer of ownership you’ve ever done for a client site. And you’ll still remain a collaborator via Flywheel with full access to the site.

  • One-click billing transfer

    When your client’s site is finally developed, you can transfer ownership of the site directly to them with a few simple clicks. They’ll get an email notifying them that their site needs to be paid for. Once they pay for the site, they’re the new owner.

  • Retain full access after transfer

    You’ve transferred billing to your client, but what if you have to check in on a few things from time to time? No worries. You still have full access as a collaborator. The site stays in your Flywheel dashboard, so there’s still no need for passing usernames and passwords around. Everything remains exactly the same. Except your client’s paying the bill.

    Learn more
Transfer billing screenshot
  • Free demo sites

    Demo sites on Flywheel enable you to create production-ready sites quickly to use for development and for showcasing new sites to clients. These sites are totally free and are password protected until they’re paid for and ready to go live.

    Learn more

Ready to experience the Flywheel platform for yourself?
Spin up a 14-day free demo site in less than 60 seconds!

If you like it, simply transfer billing to your client at the end of your trial.

Spin up a site

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