
Try Flywheel for free for 14 days!

Only pay when sites go live

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Transfer billing screenshot

Start working right away with a free demo site

It’s just part of the design process: showing progress to a client by way of a demo server. You can set up demo sites for free on Flywheel. Once everything’s ready to go live, you can either pay on your own or transfer billing and site ownership to your client.

  • Easy to create

    When you create a new site on Flywheel, just select My client will pay later. You’ll be able to start working on a production-ready demo site right away. No need to maintain a separate server to manage a bunch of demo sites on your own. And in case you missed it, that’s free.

  • Production ready

    All demo sites on Flywheel are fully production-ready, so you get a true feel for how your site will perform once it’s live. Each site has the same caching, the same security enhancements, the same everything else. It’ll even keep the same IP address, so you can point DNS whenever you’d like.

  • Password protected

    All of your demo sites on Flywheel are password protected until you or your client pays for them. That means Google and other search engines don’t crawl them, which also means your sites are private until you’re ready for them to go live. After a site’s paid for, you can remove the password protection at any time.

Transfer billing screenshot
Transfer billing screenshot
  • Ready to go live? Transferring ownership is easy

    Time to ship it? Simply click Complete Billing and type in your client’s email address. Your client will receive an email with a link to pay for the site. Once they’ve paid, their site will no longer be in demo mode and is ready to go live! No need to physically move the site — it’s already in its final production location.

    Learn more

Try Flywheel today

Launch your next site on WordPress in minutes.

 Free migrations  24/7/365 support  14–day demo sites
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