When developing a site for a restaurant, there are several unique factors that, as the designer, you need to keep in mind. Visitors will almost always be purposefully looking for information on the site. That could be the hours of operation, happy hour deals, or the full menu of food and drinks. You’ll want to make sure this information is incredibly easy to access and even easier to read. And of course, people will want to know what the food looks like. Taking advantage of photography is key!
If you need some inspiration for a restaurant site, here are eight delicious examples that were all built on WordPress.
1. be leaf by Amelia Street Studio
2. American Prime Steakhouse by CLICKLAB
3. Pen & Quill by Drexler
4. Ayza by Onur
5. Licéas by Thirty Dirty Fingers
6. Savse Smoothies by NEVERBLAND
7. Saké by Urban Purveyor Group
8. 4 Rivers Smokehouse by Purple, Rock, Scissors
Have you designed a restaurant site before? Share you experiences down in the comments!
Comments ( 1 )
August 23, 2015
I love the Cafe theme by StudioPress for restaurant websites. Here is one of my recent projects with that theme: http://djstaphouse.com/
Morgan Smith
August 28, 2015
Thanks for sharing Tyler! I love how clean and easy to read the menus are.