WordPress 5.0 (which includes the Gutenberg editor), is set to release December 6th, 2018! For most major WordPress updates, Flywheel starts automatically updating all sites to the latest WordPress version within 2 weeks of a release. In this case, based on the time of year and how huge of an update this is, we will be pushing that timeframe back to late January. This is a pretty major upgrade to the WordPress editor and we’re committed to ensuring the upgrade is as smooth as possible for all of our customers and their clients!
You will have the option to update your sites to 5.0 anytime after the official release using the Advanced tab in the Flywheel dashboard, if you’d like to get a head start! All newly created sites after the official release will automatically be created using 5.0. We’ll send an email to let you know when that option is available, and will also let you know on what date your site will be updated automatically, if you’d like to hold off for now.
We’ll also have more information and Gutenberg-related resources ready for you in the coming weeks!
For more information about how we handle updates to the WordPress core, see this post. As with everything on Flywheel, if you have any questions or issues regarding this and other automatic core upgrades, just reach out to our support team!